Monday, July 19, 2010

Another reason to like Twilight...

This past week while we were childless thanks to the wonders of summer camp, we went to a movie; my choice. I chose Eclipse (which, by the way, so far so good as far as the special effects meeting up to what I can imagine when I'm reading the books). There is a scene where Bella is visiting her mom, and mom gives her a gift. Bella opens the box, and what should it be but a t-shirt quilt. Rich leans over and whispers to me, "Well, you're in trouble now. All the girls are gonna see this movie and want their parents to make them a t-shirt quilt." This is a kind of trouble I don't mind being in.

In fact, I'm in the middle of a t-shirt quilt now. Yep, I'm quilting in the summer time in a home with no air conditioning...during an unusually warm summer! So now I'm thinking I need to get a move on and finish this quilt before another person calls with an order!

Call me. That's fine. I'm loving it!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Up(loaded) and running

I finally did it. I finally made a working webpage. There is definitely a learning curve to html, but I'm slowly getting the hang of it.

Right now I'm nearly done making a custom t-shirt quilt that I've been working on since January. I'm so close to finishing I can see the light at the end of the tunnel; which is good (no, great) because I have a small waiting list of quilts in the wings that I'm super excited about getting to. Looks like the word is getting out there & people are wanting my services. Makes me feel good.

Check it out & give me some constructive criticism.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

So how's the business planning going?

Today's post is brought to you by the letter Q. Really, were you expecting another letter from me? Of course, Q as in Quilt.

I'm delaying my business plan for just a bit while I actually conduct some business. I'm excited to say I've been commissioned to make a t-shirt quilt for a client who would like to have her quilt by spring, so I got started on it this week.

Word got around that I can fix quilts, so I have a quilt fixing project right after I'm done with the t-shirt quilt. Yay me! So I'm not officially opening a store anytime soon, because ironically I'm too busy with my quilting business! Not a bad problem to have.

In the mean time, if you're needing to get your quilt fix on check out my finished work on Just look up TheQuilterBee :)

Saturday, November 14, 2009

The geek in me says...

I'm learning html. It's easy, but incredibly boring. Is it possible to design an entire web page while sleeping? I think that's what I'm doing! lol

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Don't go chasing waterfalls....

My waterfall quilt is officially finished and entered into the Rocky River Nature Center's Reflections of Nature quilt show. I've actually entered two quilts in my first (but hopefully not last) quilt show. So mark your calendars for Saturday & Sunday, November 14 & 15 and go visit the Rocky River Nature Center to see all the talented quilters and their beautiful quilts (oh yeah, and my quilts will be there too).

But if you can't wait that long, here's a preview of what you'll be feasting your eyes on...

Next project up is my webpage (formerly quiltsbydianna). I'm still figuring out this who making-a-webpage thing, but am getting help from some able minded people who are patient and kind with me ;) I want to at least have a home page by the end of the week...let the coding begin!